Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thick, Quick, & Cozy Cable Scarf

December 19, 2012

My mom is really good at hinting about Christmas presents, and lucky for me, she mentioned wanting a scarf 5 days before Christmas... I floated around Pinterest for awhile trying to find a quick pattern, but no luck! So I found some thick yarn that I had bought for emergencies like this (LionBrand Homespun Thick & Quick) and made my own! This is my first time making a pattern and I haven't finished it yet, but I'm sure it'll turn out well enough. I will post pictures as soon as I'm done!

Here's the pattern for anyone who wants to try it for themselves. All I ask is that you don't sell this pattern because I took the time to make it. Otherwise, enjoy! Let me know how it works for you, leave a picture if you can!

- Shraddha

Thick, Quick, & Cozy Cable Scarf
R – Row; K – Knit; P – Purl; St – stitch
C6F – Cable 6 forward: Place 6 stitches on cable needle and hold in front, K1P1 on next 6st, K1P1 on 6 cabled stitches
Lion Brand Homespun Thick & Quick Yarn – Edwardian
U.S. Size 15 (10.00mm) cable needle
Blunt needle and scissors for bind off
Cast on 42 stitches
R1: K1P1 to end of row
R2: P1K1 x3 (6st), K1P1 x6 (12st), P1K1 x3 (6st), K1P1 x6 (12st), P1K1 x3 (6st)
R3: Repeat row 1
R4: Repeat row 2
R5: Repeat row 1
R6: Repeat row 2
R7: Repeat row 1
R8: Repeat row 2
R9: K1P1 x3 (6st), C6F (12st), K1P1 x3 (6st), C6F (12st), K1P1 x3 (6st)
R10: P1K1 x3 (6st), K1P1 x6 (12st), P1K1 x3 (6st), K1P1 x6 (12st), P1K1 x3 (6st)
Repeat rows 1-10 until desired length (19 rows suggested) and bind off